Chomsky over zonnepanelen
(…) I could easily go on, but the only potential counterweight to all of this is some very substantial popular movement which is not just going to call for putting solar panels on your roof, though it’s a good thing to do, but it’s going to have to dismantle an entire sociological, cultural, economic, and … Continued
I could easily go on, but the only potential counterweight to all of this is some very substantial popular movement which is not just going to call for putting solar panels on your roof, though it’s a good thing to do, but it’s going to have to dismantle an entire sociological, cultural, economic, and ideological structure which is just driving us to disaster. It’s not a small task, but it’s a task that had better be undertaken, and probably pretty quickly, or it’s going to be too late.
(Chomsky, conclusie van langer stuk over de stand van zaken van het milieu en de nondiscussies daarover)
en hier leest hij onze krant (nee, geen fotoshop) afgelopen maand in Leiden