Griekenland: Militaire parades geblokkeerd
28 oktober is in Griekenland traditioneel ‘de dag van het nee’ (‘oxi’) omdat op die datum, maar dan in 1940′ de toenmalige dictator onder druk van de bevolking besloot om een ultimatum van Musolini naast zich neer te leggen, waarna die het land besloot aan te vallen. De dag wordt gevierd met allerlei militaire parades waaraan scholieren verplicht mee moeten marcheren. Maar dit jaar ging het anders.

Een Griekse vriend legt – in het Engels – uit wat de achtergrond was van de beelden:
To my opinion today was one of the most brilliant days of the genuine resistance of the Greek people. Today, we celebrate the ‘no’ against the fascist Italian invaders in October 1940 (don’t ask why we celebrate the beginning of the w…ar! There was no real end of the war in Greece..). There are military and civilian parades around the country. In the civilian parades, high-school students take part. Of course, the latter is a remainant of the 1936-1940 dictatorschip. However, the Greek people took the opportunity to express their anger. The pictures you see are from the cancelled military parade of Thessaloniki. There, thousands of people took over the avenue where the parade was supposed to take place and started shouting slogans against the government and the Troika. The people forced the president of the republic and the representatives of the national and local authorities to leave. Finally, the parade was cancelled. In Athens, a parade of students took place at the presence of the minister of Education. Hundreds of students turned their face to the other side when they reached the minister (according to the rules they had to turn their face towards the minister…). The students of one school raised their fists with black handkerchiefs. The municipality band members had a black strip around their arms although they were threatened by the Mayor of Athens that they will be fired if they do so. In another city, Ksanthi, students joined the protesting crowd and faced an attack of the riot police. Similar protests took place in numerous cities. In many of them, the parades were cancelled due to the people’s protests. All politicians that tried to attend the paraded faced the protests of the people and had to be evacuated by the police.
Zie meer informatie en films hier
Verslagje Occupied London.
Ander nieuws uit Griekenland is dat door de sterke bezuinigingen en privatiseringen de basis gezondheidszorg aan het instorten is.
Artsen Zonder Grenzen in Griekenland bericht dat er toenemende zorgen zijn over gebrek aan ziekenzorg, maar ook over ondervoeding.
Maar (in Athene en Tessaloniki) ontstaan er nu ook ‘autonome ziekenposten’ waar medisch personeel onbezoldigd werkt en gratis medische hulp verkregen kan worden. Ook worden er ‘solidaritietsapotheken’ opgezet.
Een Duitstalig artikel daarover.
In het Engels over het ‘sociale gezondheidscentrum’ dat sind 11 oktober geopend is in een kraakpand in de wijk Ano Petralona in Athene.
Engels artikel over gezondheidscentrum Tessaloniki.