Frankfurt Update woensdagnacht (+ foto’s)
De jongste update, terwijl inmiddels, met de herverboden streetrave tegen de troika de acties echt begonnen zijn. Hieronder weer in het Engels:
(+ foto’s geplaatst rond 22 uur)

Frankfurt: Court of appeal decides: even more protests banned
After the local judge in Frankfurt approved most of the bans that local authorities had declared for the protests against the ECB in Frankfurt, the court of appeal in Kassel now gave its verdict. It approved all the bans, and even declared one more protest forbidden: the ‘rave against the Troika’ of Wednesday evening. Apart from the demonstration from Saturday, this was the only event that the previous judge had allowed (under conditions).
The rave went on happily tonight (picture:!/henninghenke/status/202822151143821312/photo/1) Loads of police surrounding the demonstrators and demanding banners to be taken down. One of the banners read: “Our Solidarity Against Your Crisis” First subwaystations have been closed of by the transport company, as anounced
There is still one other demonstration in Thursday that is not prohibited: the demonstration against the repressive measures called for by the Komitee fur Grundrechte und Demokratie (starting at 12:00 at Paulsplatz).
Blockupy calls for a demonstration to start in front of Central Station to join the Grundrechte-demonstration.
The Occupy-camp near the European Central Bank has been evicted in the morning of Wednesday. Some 200 persons ‘resisted peacefully’ and were dragged away. Some riotcops got a nice load of paint over them. After the eviction police started to erect fences around the park and the ECB-building.
Pictures of surroundings of ECB today
Video streams:
Blockupy Call & Newsletter urges “everybody to come to Frankfurt”
OWS declares solidarity with blockupy
Towers of Mordor
Police claims to expect 30.000 demonstrators, of which between 2000 and 3000 could be ‘militants’. 5000 policemen and women to be deployed.
The car outside of the house of the German head of the EU task force for Greece Horst Reichenbach has been blown up in Potsdam, the action was claimed by ‘friends of Loukanikos’
More information:!/Blockupy
Previous updates
Re (indymedia): Update Frankfurt: Alles en nog wat verboden, acties gaan door
wo, 16/05/2012 – 21:59
geplaatst door: Nishel Baboeram
Ik heb wat fotos gemaakt van blockupy rond 4 uur in de middag.
Zoals je ziet is het afgezet en zijn er over politie en hekken.
Iedereen die anders dan het gemiddelde burger eruitziet mag bepaalde straten niet in .
Ik was een paar uur geleden ff buiten aan het lopen en ik zag binnen een half uur wel … 3 groepen van 8-10 politiebusjes achter elkaar rijden..
lang leve het kapitalisme ! ( sarcasme )
Zijn er mensen hier die weten waar ik de kritische studenten kan vinden in frankfurt?