Di 18 jan. Crea: De universiteit en de globalisering
Informatie en debat, aan de vooravond van de demonstratie van vrijdag 21 januari (13:00 Malieveld Den Haag) organiseert de Real World Economics-serie een avond over de ‘neoliberale universiteit’. Meer in het Engels (ook de spreektaal op de bijeenkomst) hieronder.

Universities and globalization
In this era of globalization, universities are immersed in a sea of profound transformations. Among other changes universities are forced to generate increasing levels of revenue and to adapt their education and research programs to the capricious and changing needs of the market. The Bologna Process has been one of the main causal forces of the neoliberal reconfiguration of universities in Europe. This Real World Economics event explores the causes and nature of these important transformations, as well as its main implications for the role of universities in contemporary society. With dr. Henk Overbeek (VU), dr. Steve Klees (University of Maryland, US) and representatives of the student movement in The Netherlands. The event will be presented by dr. Antoni Verger (UvA). English spoken.
Location: CREA Theater
Admission: free for students, € 5,- all others
No reservations.
Dinsdag 18 januari
Turfdraagsterpad 17
aankondiging website CREA
aankondiging Kritische Studenten Utrecht