Bericht vanuit Nobordercamp Brussel
In het nobordercamp aan de Rue Picard hebben zo’n 500 mensen onderdak gevonden. Een deel van de tenten is vanwege aanhoudende nattigheid verplaatst naar de binnenkant van de grote loods op het terrein, waar ook workshops en tentoonstellingen en dergelijke gehouden worden.
Gisteren, woensdag zijn enkele honderden mensen gearresteerd, en in de loop van de nacht weer vrijgelaten. Een eerste groep werd des ochtends opgepakt toen ze een vergadering van de Security and Defense Agenda thinktank blokkeerden (zie video: waar een van de hoofdsprekers de directeur van de verfoeide Europese grensbewakingsinstelling Frontex was. De overigen werden gearresteerd op weg naar (of, en deels hardhandig, in) de grote vakbondsdemo tegen de crisis-bezuinigingen. Een groep van ongeveer honderd mensen die met een geluidswagen op weg was naar de demonstratie, werd opgepakt en de geluidswagen in beslag genomen.
Zonder dat er enig incident was uitgegaan van een antikapitalistisch blok, werd dat in z’n geheel omsingeld en na wat charges, ook tegen ‘gewone’ vakbondsleden, gedeeltelijk afgevoerd (zie foto’s filmpje: )
Of zoals de politiecommissaris het een dag later in de Standaard zegt: “we hebben 148 manifestanten preventief opgepakt omdat ze wapens bij zich hadden die hier niet thuis horen. Daarnaast werden 96 anarchisten gearresteerd die zich bij de betoging wilden voegen”.
Verschillende mensen raakten gewond bij de charges door politieknuppels. Enkelen moesten in het ziekenhuis behandeld worden. Woensdagavond bevond
zich nog een demonstrant in het ziekenhuis die aan het hoofd gewond was geraakt.
Overigens waren er woensdag tenminste 80.000 demonstranten in Brussel (en stakingen en acties in andere landen, zoals de bezetting van een bank temidden van grote demonstraties in Barcelona en andere plaatsen in Spanje
Indymedia Brussel heeft een timeline van de gebeurtenissen woensdag bijgehouden:
Acties en workshops op en vanuit het nobordercamp (en vele andere plekken in Brussel, zie wesites) gaan tot en met zondag door. Zaterdag 2 oktober zal er een demonstratie gehouden worden die om 13.00 vertrekt vanaf het Maximiliaan Park, Antwerpsesteenweg 59.
Over eerste demonstratie op zondag 26 september:
26 September
Demonstration at detention centre
Right to demonstrate infringed. Police stop and search, arrest and beat up
demonstrators and a photographer.
Belgian police have obviously had orders to prevent noborder activists
from carrying out any activities and demonstrations throughout the week.
The police repression started on the first day in the run up to a
demonstration against a detention centre near the railway station of
Nossegem outside of Brussels. People going to the demonstration by train
were stopped by police at the railway station of Nossegem. Demonstrators
were subjected to frisking and identity controls and police filmed the
faces of activists. Although police tried to block demonstrators, the
demonstration arrived at the detention centre around 3.45 pm. 11 people
were arrested straightaway.
The police encircled the demonstration and intimidatede demonstrators with
helicopters, watercanons and horses that were used to push forward the
demonstration. Police also snatched and beat up a photographer, a scene
that was witnessed by a lawyer, who says the attack was unprovoked. He
took a picture of a policeman who was hurt in the face. That same
policeman was leading the “snatch”. The photographer was pulled behind a
bloc of concrete and beaten up. No more facts are known about the event as
yet. Another woman was badly hurt by police and brought to hospital.
At around 7pm, the demonstration ended and demonstrators return to Brussels,
‘escorted’ by police on the train. More police is waiting in Brussels at
the North train station.
Meer details over woensdag in een engelstalig overzicht (vertaald uit indymedia timeline)
29 September: Police stop noborder activists from joining the trade union
The police repression against noborder activists was at its height in the
run-up to the trade union demonstration that took place on 29 September,
which the border camp called to attend in its programme as well. Many
people trying to leave the noborder camp, located north-west of Brussels
city centre, were arrested on their way to the demonstration, which
started at 1pm and left from South station (Midi). Dozens of plain clothed
police officers were spotted around the border camp and 6 arrests were
already confirmed at 12 noon. Police later closed the metro station close
to the noborder camp and arrested a group of activist clowns on their way
to the demonstration.
All demonstrators arrested
Arrests of noborder activists continued at the demonstration itself, at
Place Bara, the meeting place for the anti-capitalist bloc, which in the
beginning comprised around 150 people. Police prevented noborder
demonstrators, visible by black clothing and anticapitalist banners, from
joining the trade union demonstration and confiscated banners with
anarchists symbols on it. The Brussels police spokesman Christian De
Coninck confirmed the police strategy in the newspaper De Standaard on 30
September with the words “we have arrested 148 protestors preventatively
because they had weapons that do not belong here. Further, 96 anarchists
were arrested who wanted to join the demonstration”.
Accordingly, around 1.40 pm, not even an hour after the demonstration had
officially started, about 240 arrested activists were being held at the
baracks of the National Reserve of the Federal Police in Etterbeek
Police further confiscated the truck of the noborder activists and stopped
the block from proceeding. Some demonstrators then dispersed and tried to
join the demonstration individually. The police strategy continued by
forcing the anti-capitalist bloc to separate itself from the main march,
and police first threatened to charge into the demonstrators and later
suceeded in arresting and beating up some demonstrators and dispersing
those who were able to join the demo as a group.
The Polish trade union Solidarnosc, that was walking behind the
anti-capitalist bloc, was asked by the police to keep a distance from the
noborder demonstration.
At around 3pm, at the Porte de Hal metro station, the bloc was encircled by riot police and stopped, without any provocation on the part of the demonstrators.
Some trade unionists wanted to show solidarity with the anticapitalists but police charged into the demonstration, used batons, tear gas and arrests. Two persons suffered heavy headwounds.
Injuries as a restul of police violence
At 4pm, indymedia reported a German woman 20 years old with a headwound, one German man 22 years old with a headwound at the hospital St.-Pierre. The mediaactivists from Indymedia are gassed, one of them arrested. at 5pm, 3 more wounded arrived at the hospital, two Belgians and a 19 year old German woman.
at 10 pm, the wounded were back on the camp site, except one German man in his fifties., who was still in the hospital with a serious neck problem.