Local authorities in Frankfurt want to ban all EU/ECB-protests
A broad coalition of movements and protest groups has planned to organise protest in Frankfurt from 16-19 May, to protest the austerity policies of EU-countries and show solidarity with anyone facing the crazy decisions of the ‘Troika’. On Friday May 18th the financial district of Frankfurt is to be flooded with people and the ECB blocked. On Saturday 19 there will be a large international demonstration.
The City government yesterday (May 4) banned the Days of Protest in Frankfurt, which will take place May 16th to May 19th. The “Blockupy Frankfurt” alliance is collecting signatures for its protest, in Germany and international. A spokesperson for the ‘department for Public Order’ claims 40.000 demonstrators might show up for four days of protest, with the aim to paralyse the city, and this would not be tolerated.
Of course the organisers will appeal the decision ‘in court and in practice’. Previous attempts by authorities in Germany to prohibit these kinds of protests have never held (completely) in court.
Preparations for the protests are proceeding in full gear. Here are some of the newest mobilisation clips:
Sign a petition to demand withdrawal of the ban here:
Please sign – and please distribute this request to friends and comrades all over the world!
Websites with background information: