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Directe actie van de dag (19 nov)

Zeven leden van ‘decarcerate Philadelphia‘ blokkeren bouwplek van nieuwe gevangenis met schoolbanken. Filmpje en meer tekst hieronder.

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Early yesterday morning, seven members of Decarcerate PA set up school desks, banners, and a little red schoolhouse to block the entrance to the prison construction site in Montgomery County. They then sat at the desks, linking arms and refusing to move or allow construction vehicles onto the sight. Construction was delayed for over an hour before all seven protesters were arrested and taken away. The new prisons are being built on the grounds of SCI Graterford in Montgomery County. If completed, they will cost $400 million and house 4,100 people. We believe these prisons must be stopped, and that the money should be reinvested in our schools and communities.