14 juni Valreep A’dam: Filmpjes over eurocrisis en Quebec protests
Donderdag 14 juni 21:00 Valreep Amsterdam
Bewegende beelden en woorden/drankjes. Over eurocrisis en studentenopstand Quebec. Opbrengst gaat naar komende Klasse! krant (http://www.klasse-krant.nl) (English below)

We laten de recente documentaire van de BBC zien “The Great Euro Crash” (May 2012): Wat kunnen we verwachten, wie gaat de prijs betalen en wat heeft Maastricht/Nederland met de hele ellende te maken?
Tweede deel van het programma bestaat uit filmpjes en verhalen over de inspirerende massale studentenopstand (die veel verder gaat dan alleen studenten) die momenteel in Quebec/Canada woedt.
Do 14 juni 21:00 Valreep Amsterdam (Einde polderweg, zijweg van Linnaeusstraat in A’dam Oost)
Thursday June 14
Valreep Amsterdam:
Klasse! Filmnight
Come join us for moving images and words/drinks. Proceeds for next Klasse! magazine (http://www.klasse-krant.nl)
We will show the recent documentary from the BBC “The Great Euro Crash” (May 2012): What is to expect, who is going to pay the price, and what has Maastricht/Netherlands got to do with this mess?
Second part of the program this evening will consist of short films and stories about the inspiring massive student (and way more than only students) insurgency in Quebec, Canada.
June 14, 21:00 Valreep (end of Polderweg, sidestreet of Linnaeusstraat in Amsterdam Oost)
Picture by: http://www.flickr.com/photos/scottmontreal/
About the picture: Casseroles 26 mai, Place Emilie Gamellin. The 33rd night demonstration in a row in Montreal. First it was defiant protests against the government’s intention to raise tuition. The government then instituted Law 78 to essentially outlaw student demonstration and crush their militant associations. That backfired. All our demonstration are now illegal, and thousands gleefully participate in LOUD mass civil disobedience, taking the streets. Wednesday, 500 of us were arrested. Then the “Casseroles” (pots and pan) protest exploded. Now the protesters are mostly regular citizens. The police have backed off. How do you fight ordinary people armed with pots and pans? People from North America are coming here to experience this major uprising. What’s next?