Demonstratie in de Filippijnen tegen de WTO (24 juli)
Vandaag was er in Manilla (Filippijnen) een demonstratie van boeren, vissers en arbeiders tegen de WTO. Hieronder een verslag van Focusweb.
Philippine government served notice to
walk away from Doha negotiations
the Global South)
farmers, fishers and workers staged
the Department of Trade and Industry
National Economic and Development
notice a special order from the people of
of poor Filipinos in the
demand to the President to issue the
away from an unfair and unjust Doha
leaders assailed the aggresive push of
tariff reduction formula in the NAMA
relentless effort to limit the
with the maneuver of linking the
flexibilities. Fishers also bewailed the
fisheries as an attempt to fast track even
fisheries sector. Kilusang Mangingisda
call WTO out of Fisheries.
the agency in-charge of the services
workers and anti- privatization activists
to speed up the liberalization of the
conference. They demanded that the
Bolivia,Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua in
new services text. The leaders also
"welcome" incoming Director General of the NEDA